I'm falling, so I'm taking my time on my (bus) ride
I've been thinking too much / Help me A few moments ago I was on the bus. The driver left his passengers momentarily at the Eastgate Square terminal to go grab a snack in the mall. There were 7 of us left in the bus, waiting. This wouldn’t be the first time I thought of this, but I imagined having the guts and the giftedness it would take to be like: “Hey everybody! My name is Joe, how are you all doing today?” I think I even have done things to this effect before, and unfortunately I’ve found that people can be rather cold and disturbed; and frankly unprepared for real human encounters. However, is it impossible that at least one soul on that bus besides me could have fancied some small talk (and maybe even some honest life talk)? No, I don’t think that’s impossible at all. Living in fear or living in love The problem, though, is probably one we all share. Fear of rejection, fear of a negative response, fear of being ignored… I haven’t yet been given th...