You Are Donald Trump

"Everybody's talking and no one says a word." ~John Lennon
I disagree with strong rage against Donald Trump because if we live in such a world where he could be elected President- that's on all of us and not just one man or those who voted for him.
It's time we take some accountability for the fallen world we live in. Any lack of love you give - even tiny - ripples and contributes to something negative, and vice versa for goodness, kindness, and peace.
Many of us claim we are "good people" and have as deep a morality as "As long as you haven't killed anyone." But do you kill people's spirits? When you ignore, put down, cut off, envy, and are angry with your neighbour you kill their spirit. Physical murder ends life, but murdering the spirit can shatter a living person- making them wish they were dead, and sometimes, going through with it themselves.
Same with school shooters, bullies, whatever it is. If you find yourself pointing fingers at "other bad people" out there, it's time we looked at ourselves. It's a worldwide lack of love that causes violence of any kind.
Yep, I include myself because I see the evil that is capable within me. I keep it at bay and root it out through prayer and a relationship with God, but even if you don't want to go that way right now at least be aware that things are not just happening "out there" but within you too.
I feel the poison of selfishness and self-indulgence is so prevalent many of us feel without hope and broken by the callousness that the world can throw at us.
We are no longer a world of open arms and unconditional love but a lot more like a "survival of the fittest" jungle where everyone loses in the end. Vanity and attaching our hopes to such fickle things is commonplace and frustrating for those who do it- and they often don't know it or repeat the cycle. Addiction.
Anyways, I am a man of good humour, hope, and depth, so please don't be alarmed. I would tell you more about my faith and why we have such reason to hope- but this is a picture of the world where we choose to ignore the Obvious and live in the void instead. Btw, the void is called hell.
Please take me in the right spirit. If you are enjoying your life, I am not trying to lump you into a category and I am not being judging (in my opinion). I'm merely making a point I feel is crucial and I'm reminding you to be kind.
Be so kind you almost kill them. But then again, kindness brings life to those around you. And peace in your heart.
God bless and much love, my friends
Joseph J Sardo


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